Allison and Kevin
are getting married!
June 10, 2017
Allison & Kevin
How Allison and Kevin became Alvin
as told by Allison

Our story began in August 2006 at Western Kentucky University. Kevin was roommates with his childhood friend, Tyler Piercy, in Barnes Campbell Hall, room 610. I had been close friends with Tyler since high school, and I first met Kevin in their dorm room during Master Plan, which is WKU's freshman orientation week. We spent most of that school year and the beginning of the next becoming friends. It wasn't until Thanksgiving break of 2007 that Kevin asked me to go on our first date, which led to many other dates over the years.

New York City has always been one of Kevin's favorite places to visit. We traveled to NYC during the winter months twice before 2015, and after both trips, I swore I would never go back when it's cold. But Kevin asked me to go a third time in January 2015, right after New Years when the city would still be decorated for Christmas. The thought of ice skating under the iconic Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center made me change my mind, since this was one of my favorite memories from our first trip years before. On the very last day, we were scheduled to have breakfast at the Rockefeller Center Cafe and then the first skate of the day. There were only a handful of people on the rink at the time. After a while, we skated to the middle of the rink where Kevin got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. In all my awkwardness, I blurted out, "what the heck is that?!" Then of course I quickly changed my answer to yes!

Room 610 is where we first met and become friends. What better day than June 10th (6/10) to mark the next milestone in our relationship and celebrate with our friends and family!

We're so glad you're celebrating with us!